Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Crazy Morning

My cat thought it would be cool to wake up before dawn this morning. Soooo not cool cat…just not cool. In response to hit obnoxious noises, I shut him in the other room – and then proceeded to sleep about 45 minutes past my alarm. Supersweet.

So, now I have wet hair at the office. Which really isn’t that big of a deal since we have a business casual office and no clients will see me today – BUT my office is freezing. And so I am doubly cold. I’m currently sporting a really cool jean jacket – over my long-sleeved sweater and long pants – and drinking a hot cup of tea – on the first day of July.

However, things are still good. I’m halfway through my online class – HA. I find this funny because I have to be DONE in about 2.5 weeks…and it’s taken me about a month to get this far. Mind you, I’ve been completely slacking. But now I have to hunker down and get with it. woot! Also, we had book club last night and we’re reading Lolita for our next book!!! I am very excited, since it was the choice of yours truly.

I wanted to read Lolita as a group since it was soooo good when I read it a couple years ago. It’s uncomfortable and beautiful and downright disturbing. It also has a lot of facets that I didn’t see the first time around…so I’m excited to talk about it as a group. I know - I'm a dork.

Aight. Only three more days of work this week!! Yippie! AND we have plans for the fourth, which is very cool! Too bad we aren't leaving town...BUT the parents are coming in, so that should be interesting...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My cat always thinks that it's cool to wake up before dawn. You're right- it's totally not. Pretty much every night he gets shut out of our room, spends some time pawing at our door, which gets him shut in the guest room. That cat hates closed door!