Friday, August 15, 2008

Feelin' Bummed

So as I said in my last post, I went to see The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 last night. It was great...full of fun places and friendships and cute all around. But...I did cry during the movie. Like 5 times. Now I've been reeeeeeeeaaaaaaally emotional this week, so I use that excuse for the crying - but I don't really have an excuse for the general weepiness afterwards. I felt all bummed and friendless. I felt like life was stagnant. I felt that my life was unromantic.

And then I came home to M. He was really sweet...and held me until I stopped leaking tears.

And then today, I re-read the "what happened" section from a blog I'd heard of - and I realized (again) that my life is so blessed...

PLEASE don't click on the link unless you want to shed a few tears - my heart goes out to this guy and his little girl...

Just thought we could all use a bit of perspective sometimes...

See ya lata.

1 comment:

QL girl said...

Sorry, I couldn't click on the link (I'm at work).

I know this is going to sound selfish, but sometimes its good to cry....even if there are others out there that have it worse than you. There's nothing wrong with crying, and I don't think its the same thing as self-pity (which wouldn't be as great, since there ARE people out there that aren't as fortunate as us!)

Also (sorry for taking over this post, lol), sometimes when I'm feeling weepy I (subconscously, I would guess) look for things in my life that might be causing it and I think THAT is why I'm crying. In other words, sometimes we try to find explanations for it when it could all be attributed to a simple hormonal imbalance. I tell you this so you can think about it....were you really crying because of what you said (life being stagnant and all), or did you think about it once you were crying?

(I'm telling you this because I had a serious case of this for a few months. It was kind of useful (or not, lol) because it brought to the surface issues that were in my head, but at the same time it was because of the hormones that I couldn't get the waterworks to stop!)

Again, sorry for taking over!! I got a bit carried away there...